Download Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century
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In the last 20 years, there has been a remarkable emergence of innovations and technological advances that are generating promising changes and opportunities for sustainable agriculture, yet at the same time the agricultural sector worldwide faces numerous daunting challenges. Not only is the agricultural sector expected to produce adequate food, fiber, and feed, and contribute to biofuels to meet the needs of a rising global population, it is expected to do so under increasingly scarce natural resources and climate change. Growing awareness of the unintended impacts associated with some agricultural production practices has led to heightened societal expectations for improved environmental, community, labor, and animal welfare standards in agriculture. Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century assesses the scientific evidence for the strengths and weaknesses of different production, marketing, and policy approaches for improving and reducing the costs and unintended consequences of agricultural production. It discusses the principles underlying farming systems and practices that could improve the sustainability. It also explores how those lessons learned could be applied to agriculture in different regional and international settings, with an emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. By focusing on a systems approach to improving the sustainability of U.S. agriculture, this book can have a profound impact on the development and implementation of sustainable farming systems. Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century serves as a valuable resource for policy makers, farmers, experts in food production and agribusiness, and federal regulatory agencies. Sustainability - Wikipedia The history of sustainability traces human-dominated ecological systems from the earliest civilizations to the present time This history is characterized by the Conferences and Meetings on Ecosystems Environment and Scientific Conference Calendar of Conferences and Meetings on Ecosystems Environment and Sustainable Development Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Download a PDF of "Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century" by the National Research Council for free Description: In the last 20 years there TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT REVIEW 2013 KEY MESSAGES - unctadorg trade and environment review 2013 make agriculture truly sustainable now for food security in a changing climate trade and environment review 2013 Economic Factors Affecting Diversified Farming Systems The following is the established format for referencing this article: Bowman M S and D Zilberman 2013 Economic factors affecting diversified farming systems CIAT Food security and nutrition CIAT develops crops agricultural practices interventions and policies to maximize health and nutrition benefits Organic Agriculture in the Twenty-First Century [Nature Rudolf Steiner's 1924 course on biodynamic agriculture sparked the evolution of organic agriculture in Europe 1 Organic agriculture was established in its own right Sensor Technology for the 21st Century SBIRgov This web page on sensor technology is designed to help sensor developers locate SBIR and/or STTR funding opportunities across federal agencies Worldwatch Institute Analyzes interdisciplinary environmental data from around the world providing information on how to build a sustainable society Website has articles on a broad Agricultural Innovation Systems - World Bank Agricultural Innovation Systems: An Investment Sourcebook
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